Four superyachts announced finalists in The ISS Awards 2023
24 October 2023

Four superyachts announced finalists in The ISS Awards 2023

We are proud to announce that four of our yachts have been nominated as finalists in The ISS Awards 2023. On 26 October in Fort Lauderdale, we will find out if COME TOGETHER, LA DATCHA, ENERGY and GENE CHASER are crowned winners of their category.

Hosted by the International Superyacht Society (ISS), these awards were created in 1990 to call attention to the outstanding achievements in the design and construction of large yachts. This year, the eligibility criteria for the awards allowed yachts built and delivered between 2020 and 2022 to be considered. The judging process is rigorous and thorough, with a panel of experts carefully evaluating each finalist on elements such as external appearance, interior design, craftsmanship, design practicality and technology.

Join us in keeping our fingers crossed for the following yachts to succeed in their category:

COME TOGETHER - Best in Motor 500<1500 GT

LA DATCHA - Best in Motor 1500<3000 GT

ENERGY - Best in Motor 1500<3000 GT

GENE CHASER - Best in Motor <500 GT (above 24m)

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